World Day for the Sick takes place on 11th February. The day was introduced by St. Pope John Paul II to help us remember to pray for all those who are ill and for their caregivers. He chose this day because it coincides with the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes; a feast commemorating the appearances in 1858 of Our Lady to the young girl, Bernadette. Lourdes has been a site of pilgrimage, renowned for healing, ever since.
We pray for children who are sick: those in our school, in our communities and sick children who live in poor countries. May they find the help they need to recover from their illnesses and grow healthy and happy. We pray to the Lord: Lord, hear us.
We pray for adults we know who are sick. We remember especially adults in our families who are unwell. May they know God’s healing and peace. We pray to the Lord: Lord, hear us.
We pray for those who care for the sick: those who look after loved ones at home and all who work in our clinics and hospitals. May they be blessed with patience, kindness, wisdom and hope.
We pray to the Lord: Lord, hear us. We pray for children around the world who are sad, lonely or scared. May God keep them safe and help them find joy and friendship.
We pray to the Lord: Lord, hear us. We pray for Pope Francis and for other missionaries who make God’s love known in the world. May the Holy Spirit inspire and encourage them in their work.
We pray to the Lord: Lord, hear us.
We pray for one another
May all children
In the world
Share love
Share friendship and live
In the peace
Of God’s love
Now and forever.Amen.