Why Green Flag?

St. John’s school received its sixth Eco School Green Flag Award in May 2020. The Green Flag itself flies proudly above the school and is a reflection of what we value as a school.

We aim to develop in our pupils an awareness of looking after the environment and this begins in the Nursery, where the children have compost bins for their fruit peel.

This is developed throughout the school in the curriculum – with each class studying an environmental theme such as the 3 R’s (Recycle, Reuse Reduce), Climate Change, Water etc.

The Green ethos is also developed through the great work of the Green Team. We have a Green Committee and a Green Action team, who work together to organise events for the whole school. This has included Recycling and Upcycling Fashion Shows, Power Down awareness events, Walk to School events, Planting ….. and many, many more exciting events and activities!