The Federation of St James the Great and St John’s Catholic Primary Schools
Governing Body Membership and Roles

2023-24 Annual Governance Statement

The Governing Body is constituted is constituted by an Instrument of Government made by the Archdiocese of Southwark. The Instrument sets out the categories, numbers and terms of office of governors:

  • 1 Local Authority Governor
  • 9 Foundation Governors
  • 2 Parent Governors (one from each school)
  • 1 Executive Headteacher (ex-officio)
  • 1 Staff Governor
  • 2 Co-opted Governors

The governing body sets the strategic direction, the vision and the ethos of the school.  In doing so it has a number of key responsibilities:

  • monitor and challenge the progress of the school in achieving its priorities
  • recruit and performance manage the headteacher
  • exercise employer responsibility
  • ensure the school meets its statutory responsibilities
  • ensure financial probity
  • ensure the premises are well managed
  • report to the school’s stakeholders

The governors carry out these functions through its termly full meetings, visits to the school and the work of its three principle committees:

  • Standards and Curriculum (S&C)
  • Finance and Resources (F&R)
  • Parents, Parish and Community (PPC)

Other committees are put together to deal with other functions including Pay Review Appeal (PRA), Complaints, Grievances, Pupil Discipline, Reorganisation as and when needed.  Additionally there are named governors alongside an independent advisor for the Headteachers’ Performance and Salary Review committee (HTPSR).

Governors along with staff members who regularly attend meetings of the governing body and its committees must declare any business or personal interest that might influence any decision they may make especially in financial matters. Any governor with such an interest must declare it annually and notify the school of any changes that occur. Where there is a conflict of interest the governor must withdraw from the meeting and take no part in the discussions or vote. The agenda of each meeting requires governors and non-governors present to declare any interest they may have in any of the items to be discussed. Senior Leaders from both schools attend meetings as advisors The School Business Manager from St James the Great attends meeting and the Finance Officer for St John’s attends the Finance and Resources Committee meetings when required to do so.

Governing Body Meeting Attendance 2023-24

Instrument of Governance provides for following governor types: 1EHT, 1LA, 2 Parent, 1 Staff, 2 Co-opted and 9 Foundation Governors. (Total 16)


FGB= Full Governing Body, F&R = Finance and Resources, PPC = Parents, Parish and Community, S&C = Standards and Curriculum

Y= present
N= absent
Nap= absent – apologies sent and accepted
X – either not in post as a Governor or not on this Committee at the date of the meeting.
? – pending renewal of appointment as Foundation Governor with Education Commission


The quorum for a full governing board meeting is one-half (rounded up to the nearest whole number) of the membership of the governing board, excluding any vacancies.

quorum for committee meetings is determined by the committee, but must be made up of at least 3 governors who are members of that committee (see subsection 2). Associate members don’t count towards a quorum. PPC – quorum is stated as 3, S&C Quorum is 3 F&R is stated as 3.

There is delegated power to the F&R Committee to approve the budget.